Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Learning More About What Makes For A Great Motorcycle Jacket Site!

For the new year I've decided to learn, learn, learn as much as I can about making our website a success.  Strangely enough, I'm loving it!  There is so much to learn that it's impossible to learn it all, but in the process I'm finding out things about myself I never knew before, and that's not all bad!

Here's a great site if you want to set about learning some stuff for yourself.

8 Tips on How to Start an SEO Campaign

 There's more to selling gloves and gear than meets the eye!

Happy New Year!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Happy New Year!!

So, like, how many resolutions have you made/broken already?  lol  Weird how we're all the same somehow in this department.  Have a Happy 2010!
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